Happy Birthday Louis
Louis and Liam at a photo shoot

"Liam & Louis hanging out on the set of a photo shoot! 1DHQ x"
The boys in Story Of My Life
"What do you think of my cricket jumper from #SOML videohttp://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife Nialler xx"

"video sundayyyyyyy!! hope you guys like it and remember you can download soml hereeeee http://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife Liam – Xxx"

"Screen debut for the grandparents haha ! Love it !!http://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife Louis x"

"Hiiiii, here's me in the new video. With a bowl of sausages Harry .x http://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife"

"Chillin in the bedroom #StoryfOfMyLife ! xhttp://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife Zayn x"

"me and the lil sis in the new vid !! clearly I'm the cooler sibling ha x http://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife Zayn x"

"as long as I got my suit and tie! #StoryOfMyLifehttp://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife Liam – Xxx"

"me and my brother Greg in the sittin room! #StoryOfMyLifehttp://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife Nialler xx"

All of the boys are SO excited for the video for SOML
"Really excited about our new video http://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife Louis x"

"Not long till you get to see Story Of My Life video http://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife Zayn"

"Can't wait for you guys to see the video..http://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife Harry .x"

"Soooooo excited for you to see the new videooo!http://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife Liam – Xxx"

"hi guys look out for our new video for story of my life it's coming soooon ! http://smarturl.it/StoryOfMyLife Nialler xx"

Johannah and Dan will be having twins

Next single - "Story of My Life"
Have you seen the big news from today? The boys have said what the next single will be called....
"So our next single is gonna be Story of My Life ! Louis x"
"So our next single is gonna be Story of My Life ! Louis x"

"Story of My Lifeee!!! Liam – Xxx"

"cant wait for you to hear Story of my Life ! Nialler xx"

"Story of My Life Zayn x"

"Story of my Life. Harry .x"

"Story of my Life. Harry .x"

Louis and Liam goes surfing in Sydney

(credit to "Spash News" for the pictures.)
Will Louis pop the question to Eleanor ?
This could be a rumor but it talks a lot about that now after Zayn and Perrie´s engagedment Louis wonder on proposing to Eleanor on the November 17th, their second anniversary. They´ve been together two years then and many around the 1Dcrew think it´s natural....
What do you think, let me know in the comment below?

Louis played soccer

Louis played a soccer match in the weekend, for charity. It started like a happy thing and end up in a horrible way. Gabriel Agbonlahor tackled him on the pich.....
1D- This Is Us Movie (Louis)
Louis on Twitter about the thing that "The Mirror" write

Louis goes pro

Louis have sign a contract with "Doncaster Rovers " that he´ll play football for them when he can and it will go for charity.
Louis new icon on Twitter

3 years since Louis was on his audition

Louis showed his finger...why? Johanna asked Louis and he answer...

Eleanor wearing a ring on her ring finger ... engagement ring?

Louis got a new tattoo on his wrist

Eleanor and Louis have NOT break up

The boys yesterday

Louis´ve changed his ikon on Twitter