5SOS the frontband 2014

The big news right now is that 5SOS will be the frontband for WWAT this year. They will only be in England, US and Ireland...but some days ago on the 5SOS twittcam the BIIIIG news was that they will be with the boys for the whole time. It means that we in Sweden will also get the chance to see them. YAY!
What does you guys think of that, leave a comment down below!
Sorry, sorry, sorry and once again sorry
Sorry for my BAD update. Im so sorry but the schoolwork is so much right now and I can´t update like I used to do. So for now it will be some days I´ll be off and some days I can update.
I´ll always be a directioner and I hope you guys can get the news anyways. Love you, see ya sooooooon!<3