Niall and the singer Elyar Fox

Release Party for Midnight Memories
QA with Tyler Oakly about the 1D Day
X Factor UK (SOML and interview)

Best Bits from 1DDAY
I´m sure that most of you have seen the1D Day,
but if you haven´t or just want to se the best bits, you can check this out!
1DHQ at Facebook
"Want to unlock and share some exclusive 1D content? Check out 1D's new KIK Card right here: 1DHQ x"

U.S Dates for the WWA Tour
Selfies At the American Music Awards

Midnight Memories is out

The album is now out in stores! Go and buy it....what is your favorite track?
AMA´s - The boys won 2 awards and the live performan
Midnight Memories photo shoot

A lot of sneek peaks for tonight

X Factor USA

The guys about the 1DDAY and the new album
1D Day, time all over the world

Today´s the BIG day! #1DDAY, is here. How many of you will be seen it? I´ll!
Lyrics from "Strong"

Live at BBC Children
Today´s Pic.

Our Moment
Jonathan Ross Show
Midnight Memories lyrics

Behind The Scenes-"SOML"
Louis and Liam at a photo shoot

"Liam & Louis hanging out on the set of a photo shoot! 1DHQ x"
Lyrics from "DIANA" + Preorder it

Don´t miss it!
Harry Styles on Gemma´s Graduation

Malin talked about the boys with Unjon J in the last episode
Today´s episode:
The boys last year:
The boys last year:
J-14 think the text message with the boys would go like this

Acoustic version of SOML
The TMH Tour is over, but here is 14 of the most hilarius pics.

SOML - Japan
The boys in Story Of My Life
"What do you think of my cricket jumper from #SOML video Nialler xx"

"video sundayyyyyyy!! hope you guys like it and remember you can download soml hereeeee Liam – Xxx"

"Screen debut for the grandparents haha ! Love it !! Louis x"

"Hiiiii, here's me in the new video. With a bowl of sausages Harry .x"

"Chillin in the bedroom #StoryfOfMyLife ! x Zayn x"

"me and the lil sis in the new vid !! clearly I'm the cooler sibling ha x Zayn x"

"as long as I got my suit and tie! #StoryOfMyLife Liam – Xxx"

"me and my brother Greg in the sittin room! #StoryOfMyLife Nialler xx"

The last tourdate
"what an unbelievable tour, thank you to all the fans around the world who made this happen! 1DHQ x"

Last show

Story of My Life Music Video
Fill in the boxes..